Stefan Siegert
Quick Bayesian updating via the "skeptic's conversion number"
Simulating wifi coverage ("Helmhurts" in R)
A brief introduction to uncertainty propagation
Simulating alcohol intoxication with a pharmacokinetic model
A simple agent-based model of infectious disease spread implemented in base R
Training a physics-informed neural network (PINN) on the 1-d advection equation
Quick and dirty error bars for histogram counts
Important concepts in formal logic
Imputing missing values on a 2d grid
Sampling a 2d Gaussian process
Smoke (random art)
Circular noise (random art)
Schotter (random art) in ggplot
Ggplot calligraphy
My footbag/juggling videos
Animated 2D generative art in R
A useful proof concerning the CRPS
Scientific/technical writing tips (Notes and links)
Why the logarithmic score is the only local proper utility function
The multivariate Normal distribution in canonical form
Time series smoothing with the second order random walk
Sampling the 2D random walk
Coastlines with ggplot and rnaturalearth
2D generative art in R